Misconceptions about traumatic brain injuries can prevent people from understanding the signs and causes of TBIs, which can result in them not knowing how to prevent – or when to seek treatment for – a TBI. Combatting these myths, the following presents the facts behind the most common misconceptions about TBIs.
Whenever you are ready for answers about your legal options for recovery in the aftermath of a TBI, don’t hesitate to contact a Denver TBI lawyer at Warshauer-McLaughlin Law Group, P.C.
Have You or a Loved One Been Diagnosed with a TBI?
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We are very responsive, answering almost all inquiries within 30 minutes (between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. ET) or within 24 hours (over evenings and holidays).
Myth 1: All of the symptoms of TBIs will be present immediately.

TBI Myths Debunked
Wrong! TBIs can have latent symptoms that may take hours or days to present themselves after the injury was sustained. This can present a challenge both for:
- Patients who may not know when to seek treatment
- Medical professionals who may be misled by the early, latent or generic symptoms TBIs may have in their early stages.
Myth 2: TBIs are not a common injury.
Wrong again! More than 2.5 million people in the U.S. suffer a new traumatic brain injury each year, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). On any given day, about 153 people in the U.S. die from a TBI.
While any number of events or accidents can cause TBIs, most TBIs in the U.S. are caused by:
- Falls
- Being struck by an object
- Motor vehicle accidents.
Playing high-contact sports and serving in the military (and being exposed to explosions) are also common ways that people can sustain TBIs.
Myth 3: Anyone can fully recover from a mild TBI.
Also wrong! While some who sustain mild TBIs (also referred to as concussions) can achieve full recoveries, full recovery is not guaranteed – nor is there a predictable timeframe regarding how long recovery will take. This is largely due to the facts that:
- TBIs are very unique injuries that can have different impacts on different people even if they sustain the same type of TBI.
- Personal factors, ranging from age and overall health to lifestyle habits and support systems, can impact the progression of the recovery process.
What can be stated in terms of full recoveries is that they are more likely to occur when TBIs are promptly diagnosed and quickly treated.
Myth 4: Younger, active people have a greater risk of TBI than older people.
Wrong again! Those with the greatest risk of suffering a TBI include people who are 75 and older. This demographic has a high risk of falling, which is the leading cause of TBIs (in people over 45 and children younger than 14).
For the elderly demographic, some helpful ways to prevent falls (at home) and minimize the risk of TBIs include (but are not limited to):
- Installing safety handles or bars in or outside of showers
- Keeping walkways and hallways clear of objects
- Checking and updating (if needed) prescriptions for eyeglasses
- Getting mobility aides to provide balance or extra support when needed.
Contact a Denver TBI Lawyer at Warshauer-McLaughlin Law Group, P.C.
If you or loved one has been diagnosed a traumatic brain injury, a Denver TBI lawyer at Warshauer-McLaughlin Law Group, P.C. is here for you, ready to guide you towards recovery and justice.
To get answers about your potential claim and legal options, call (720) 420-9800 or email us for a free, no obligations case review.
With more than 35 years of combined legal experience, our Denver attorneys have a proven record of success and dedication when it comes to helping accident victims successfully resolve their claims. Our primary goal is to help our clients secure the financial recoveries and justice they deserve.