(720) 420-9800

Warning Signs of a Defective Artificial Hip

Advancements in medical technology have made getting hip replacements a common practice in the United States. Although surgery has become more commonplace and even a cost-effective way to improve the quality of one’s life, studies are showing more people are needing the surgery and most surprising of all – younger people are also now needing the surgery.

The average age of an artificial hip replacement patient is 65, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. However, the trend keeps going downward in age. It’s now not uncommon to see people in their 50s, 40s, and even younger getting the procedure done.

What Signs to Watch for If You’ve Had a Hip Replacement

Warning Signs of a Defective Artificial Hip | Denver Personal Injury Attorney

Warning Signs of a Defective Artificial Hip | Denver Personal Injury Attorney

Just as hip replacement surgery is becoming commonplace, so is having the artificial hip replacement become damaged or defective requiring a follow-up surgery to remove-and-replace the replacement hip jointd. Basically, a hip replacement surgery involves removing the body’s own failing hip joint with a new artificial joint that is either made from metal, hard plastic, or ceramic. These replacement parts are durable and manufactured to withstand wear, tear, and corrosion. But, sometimes patients report either continued pain or discomfort, or the onset of pain or discomfort after a period of time after the replacement surgery.

Here’s some of the top signs to watch for if you’ve had artificial hip replacement surgery:

  • Some patients report feeling a pain towards the front of their hip, when lifting the leg.
  • The pain stemming from an artificial hip joint can be for several reasons, including an infection, a loose implant, or a damaged artificial hip joint.
  • A loose implant can cause friction between the artificial hip joint and bone, causing bone loss and making another replacement surgery more difficult.
  • Psoas tendinitis is another cause for concern, because this causes severe pain for patients in the hip, groin, and thigh. Patients with psoas tendinitis report the pain occurs quite often when getting in and out of automobiles.
  • Patient reports feeling instability in the hip joint.
  • Patient reports an injury to the hip, such as falling down on the replacement hip joint.
  • Patient senses or feels damage or deterioration to the artificial joint.

If you recognize pain, discomfort, or deterioration of the artificial hip joint, it is urgent you are seen by a physician as soon as possible to determine the nature of the cause of your pain. As stated above, delaying seeking medical attention for a damaged or defective artificial hip joint can result in additional damage to your bones or hip joint. This in turn can make follow-up surgery less likely effective or more difficult.

Contact a Denver Personal Injury Attorney at Warshauer McLaughlin Law Group

If you or a loved one has gone through a replacement of an artificial hip joint, you might have grounds for making a claim for an award or a settlement. Manufacturers of these products has an obligation to produce products that are free from defects and safe for use.

Our experienced Denver Personal Injury Attorney at Warshauer McLaughlin Law Group can help you navigate the complicated legal process and recover damages for pain and suffering, as well as other losses. Call (720) 420-9800 today, to set up a free, no-obligation initial consultation.

All consultations are free. Contacting our firm to discuss your potential case does not result in any expense to you.

1890 North Gaylord Street Denver, CO 80206 (720) 420-9800